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While we are much more focusing on AutoCAD basics here, it is necessary to learn how you can convert LINE to Polyline and vice versa.

This might not make sense to you now now, but will surely come in handy when you will come to a point where you need to convert a line to a polyline. An example where this will be needed is when you are working on a project where you need to join a series of line to make it a single object and use the resulting polyline as a PATH.

A concrete example:

Let’s say we need to create an ARRAYPATH in AutoCAD, if we create our path using the LINE command, the path will be made of many line segments, To use this command you need to have all lines converted to a single object. You will then need to convert Line to Polyline.

What is a Polyline (PLINE command)?

In AutoCAD, a Polyline is a single object that is composed of lines and/or arc segments.

How is a LINE different from a Polyline?

A Polyline is made of LINEs. It is not possible to select a segment of a Polyline without selecting the whole.

How to Convert Polyline to LINE

  • Polyline: 1
  • Lines: 2

Converting a Polyline to a line is a very easy task. it goes like this:

  1. Select the Polyline
  2. Click on the Explode icon

and that is it.

Smooth 3d polyline autocad

How to convert LINE to Polyline

To convert LINE to Polyline, you need to use the PEDIT command, which makes it more complicated than doing the opposite operation.

Here is how to do it:

  1. Type PEDIT and Press ENTER
  2. Type M and Press Enter
  3. Select objects and Press Enter
  4. Press Enter
  5. Type J and Press Enter
  6. Press Enter
  7. Press Esc (Escape)

Here is how the command window looks at each step

Step 2

Type M and Press Enter

Step 3

Select objects and Press Enter

Step 4

Press Enter

Step 5

Type J and Press Enter

Step 6

Press Enter

Step 7

Press Esc

Hope it helped you. You might also be interested in learning how to convert SPLINE to Polyline.

At times you may need to convert the line to polyline or polyline to a spline and sometimes Spline to a Polyline. You can do all of these tasks using few simple commands, let’s see how it can be done.

Converting Line to Polyline

You can convert Line to Polyline using “Polyline Edit” tool of AutoCAD, using this tool you can also convert an arc or spline into a polyline. However, you can’t convert circle, ellipse and elliptical arc into a polyline using this tool.

Type PE on the command line and press Enter to start polyline edit command, the command line will prompt you to select objects for making changes. Click on the object which you want to change to polyline, you can also select multiple objects by selecting Multiple from the command prompt.

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Once you have made selection a new prompt will appear on the command line stating that selected object is not a polyline do you want to convert it as shown in the image below. Type Y and press enter twice to convert the object into a polyline and exit this command.

Convert 3d Polyline To Polyline

Offset 3d polyline autocad

Converting Polyline to true spline

To convert a polyline into true spline type PE and press enter, then select polyline which you want to convert and select spline from prompt appearing on the command line. Press enter to exit polyline edit command.

This will convert your polyline into a “polyline spline” which looks like a spline but inherits properties of the 2D polyline.

To convert it into true spline type SPE on the command line and press Enter. This will start Spline Edit command, select “polyline spline” from drawing area and press Enter. The 2D polyline will be converted into a true spline and it will also inherit all the properties of a spline.

Converting Spline to Polyline

To convert a Spline into a polyline type PE on the command line press enter then select the spline from drawing area and press enter again. The spline will be converted into a polyline.

Extrude 3d Polyline Autocad

Alternatively, you can also use Spline Edit (SPE) command to convert a true spline into a polyline by simply selecting “Convert to Polyline” option from the command line options.

In this case when the command prompts you to specify the precision enter the default value 10 or any other value which you like. Higher the value of precision more accurate will be the converted polyline with respect to the spline but it will also create a dense polyline.

The value of precision can be set between 0 and 99.

Thanks, R.K McSwain for suggesting this tip, see more tips from him on Cadpanacea. If you have questions related to this tip let me know in comments below.

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