Serialize method in JsonConvert class converts the C# object into a JSON string. Pass the object as a parameter in Serialize method. Create a solution and add a.

Active11 months ago

I am trying to serialize a C# object into a Json object. That will then be submitted to the Salesforce API, and create an application. Right now I have the C# object serialized into a Json string, but I need it to be an object.

Here is my C# object along with accompany serialization.

I need the JSON string to output inside of a JSON Object. An example of what I need is below:

This hard coded json string is inside of an object. As it stands, the values in the C# object are being outputted into a JSON string, but I'm needing it output into an object so that the Salesforce API will accept the submission.

How can I append or insert the JSON string into an object?

Aleksandr Ivanov
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4 Answers


To create correct JSON first you need to prepare appropriate model. It can be something like that:

To be able to use Data attributes you will need to choose some other JSON serializer. For example DataContractJsonSerializer or Json.NET(I will use it in this example).

So jsonCreditApplication variable will be:

Aleksandr IvanovAleksandr Ivanov
2,1083 gold badges21 silver badges35 bronze badges

Another way.


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My packages.config at the time of writing..though I'm sure future/latest versions will still support it:

C Serialize Object To JsongranadaCodergranadaCoder
16.3k5 gold badges56 silver badges87 bronze badges

Install Newtonsoft.Json NuGet then decorate Customer class with the requires naming decorations to tell Json serializer how to serialize the customer class fields:

Next, serialize the object like this:

You will get the desired result and the value of JsonOutput will be :'{'jsonCreditApplication':{'gors_descr':'Appliances ','b_name_first':'Marisol ','b_name_last':'Testcase '}}'

There are many ways to do this but I believe that this one is the simplest solution.

Objective C Serialize Object To Json

3291 gold badge3 silver badges12 bronze badges

You could use something like, which is a c# library for REST. If so, it has a built in serializer for json objects (.addJsonBody()) or you can serialize it yourself and add with

Alternatively if you want more control over it you can use

I've also found, but it's still in development.Be warned that if you use something like RestSharp, it is a canned request so any variation from what they have created as the standard requests (e.g. multipart/form data w/ json or custom headers or even custom authentication) may not work with their library, in which case it's probably better to make your own using HttpWebRequest anyway. Hope that helps!

Benj ArnoppBenj Arnopp

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Active1 month ago

I have classes like these:

And I would like to turn a Lad object into a JSON string like this:

(without the formatting). I found this link, but it uses a namespace that's not in .NET 4. I also heard about JSON.NET, but their site seems to be down at the moment, and I'm not keen on using external DLL files. Are there other options besides manually creating a JSON string writer?

17.3k16 gold badges80 silver badges135 bronze badges
4,8148 gold badges21 silver badges20 bronze badges

15 Answers

You could use the JavaScriptSerializer class (add reference to System.Web.Extensions):

A full example:

Kolappan Nathan

C++ Json Serialization

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Darin DimitrovDarin Dimitrov
878k233 gold badges3075 silver badges2791 bronze badges

Since we all love one liners

.. this one depends on the Newtonsoft NuGet package, which is popular and better than the default serializer.

Documentation: Serializing and Deserializing JSON

James Newton-King
32.6k20 gold badges100 silver badges120 bronze badges
13.4k5 gold badges27 silver badges31 bronze badges

Use Json.Net library, you can download it from Nuget Packet Manager.

C# Serialize And Deserialize Object

Serializing to Json String:

Ac1200 linksys driver. Then open the downloaded file just now. And search for setup.exe and you double-click it to make the installer process run. You just opened Setup and the installation window will exit.

Deserializing to Object:

Gokulan P HGokulan P H

Use the DataContractJsonSerializer class: MSDN1, MSDN2. Quickly locate your Adobe product serial number so you can reinstall or update your product, upgrade from Adobe Creative Suite to an Adobe Creative Cloud membership, and more. Also learn how to fix invalid or revoked serial numbers. Adobe Lightroom 6 Crack 2018 Serial key & Serial Number Patch Keygen Full Version Free Download Adobe Lightroom 6 is really a well-designed and comprehensive Mac OS X application that gives the needed tools to deal with, organize, edit and share your pics and vids effortlessly.With Adobe Lightroom you can begin editing and modifying your images using various filters and tools designed that. Aug 09, 2019  Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2019 Serial Key: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Cc Download Serial Number comprises of the majority of the choices that accompany Adobe items likewise it empowers. You to make adjust the goals of pictures you’re altering. Also, you may ensure they are HD. Furthermore, may influence the size as indicated by your desire. Adobe Lightroom 6 Serial Key 2019 Crack Free Download. Adobe Lightroom 6 Serial Key Full Crack download free at Hax Pc and imports all of your snaps instantly out of your Cell phones there’s additionally a standard feature for importing photos from products also. It always stays up-to-date with new and modern photography from Adobe.

My example: HERE.

It can also safely deserialize objects from a JSON string, unlike JavaScriptSerializer. But personally I still prefer Json.NET.

3,0164 gold badges35 silver badges54 bronze badges

Wooou! Really better using a JSON framework :)

Here is my example using Json.NET (

The test:

The result:

Now I will implement the constructor method that will receives a JSON string and populates the class' fields.

8,4678 gold badges59 silver badges104 bronze badges
Jean J. MichelJean J. Michel

You can achieve this by using Newtonsoft.json. Install Newtonsoft.json from Nuget. and then:

Waleed NaveedWaleed Naveed

If they are not very big, whats probably your case export it as Json.Also this makes portable among all plattforms


If you are in an ASP.NET MVC web controller it's as simple as:

Can't believe no one has mentioned this.

1,3595 gold badges26 silver badges47 bronze badges
Peter Mortensen
14.5k19 gold badges89 silver badges118 bronze badges

As easy as this, works for dynamic objects as well (type object):

Chandan Kumar
3,2503 gold badges29 silver badges55 bronze badges
2,9702 gold badges16 silver badges29 bronze badges

Use this tools for generate C# class, then use this code to serialize your object

Artem PolishchukArtem Polishchuk

I would vote for ServiceStack's JSON Serializer:

It is also the fastest JSON serializer available for .NET:


There is this really nifty utility right here:


Take care to create your class with the right attribute too:

Create this class with <Serializable> attribute as per the example C# example followed by exmpale



End Namespace

The second step is to create a simple test data like this:


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And this is the final result:

C# Json Serializer

Remember to add a reference to system.web.extension.dll in order to achive your goal.


protected by Brian RogersNov 23 '14 at 0:39

C# Serialize Object To String

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