Just got an email from Zonums Software that, after a prolonged hiatus, they’ve resumed development of free stand-alone and web-based geographic tools. I’ve posted previously on their stand-alone KML to shapefile converter, but a glance through that post’s comments will reveal that it has some serious bugs in it. While those are still being fixed, Zonums has released an online KML to shapefile converter:

Kml to shapefile converter free

How to convert SHP shapefiles to KML documents with shp2kml: free SHP to KML converter From the main window that comes up after running shp2kml, open up a SHP file by clicking on the Browse icon (that’s the folder icon near the top). Map preview of the selected file will open up right away on the right. Dec 27, 2018  Shape2Earth is not currently available for purchase. Thank you very much to everyone who has used Shape2Earth.

Select the KML/KMZ file you want to convert, or paste the KML text into the box at the bottom. In this case, I’ve uploaded a KML file with 3 points, one path and one polygon, and the KML code appears in the text box:

Click on “Process KML Data”, and the file will be analyzed to determine what kinds of shapes it contains, and how many:

You have the option of setting either UTM or latitude/longitude as the coordinate system. Click on any of the Export buttons on the left, and the selected data points will be converted to shapefile format, with the option to download the resulting shapefile:

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For this case, with Points selected, I can download a points.zip file that contains the required shp, dbf and shx files, as well as the option prj file that contains coordinate projection system info. Photoshop cs6 dynamic link download.

The buttons at the right give you the additional options to Convert the original data to a different vector format, then Export it to shapefile format. So for a set of three points, I can convert those to a line or polygon format by selecting the desired format from the drop-down, then export a line or polygon shapefile with those three points as the vertices. Seems to worked as advertised; here are the point (red dots) and polygon (gray area) shapefiles generated from the same sample points, plotted in a GIS viewer:

Convert Shapefile To Kml File

For converting KML files to other formats, like DXF, GPX and CSV, Zonum’s kml2x online converter is still available.

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Shapefiles can be created in any coordinate system, and are often (and annoyingly) found in a coordinate system different than the one you’d like them to be in. For example, several of the shapefile to KML converters posted about recently require that the shapefile be in Google Earth’s native coordinate system: geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude), WGS84 datum; what do you do if your shapefile is in a different coordinate system, like UTM, Lambert Conformal Conic, or State Plane Coordinate System? There are lots of free conversion utilities out there that can reproject shapefiles from one coordinate system/datum to another, but there’s one I prefer because it’s fast and easy to use.

MapWindow is not only a first-rate open source GIS editor and viewer, but it also comes with a number of useful plug-in utilities, including one to reproject shapefiles to virtually any coordinate system and datum. After downloading and installing the program, you’ll have to enable the appropriate plug-in: go to the Plug-ins menu and select the GIS Tools listing on that menu to enable it. A new GIS Tools menu heading will appear on the toolbar. From that GIS Tools menu, select Vector => Reproject a Shapefile. Select the shapefile you want to re-project, and you’ll get the window below, from which you can select your target projection and datum:

If the shapefile you’re reprojecting has a .PRJ projection file defining its original projection, MapWindow will read that automatically. If not, you’ll get another window similar to the one above asking you to specify the original coordinate system of the shapefile. MapWindow will then reproject the shapefile, and create a new shapefile with “_Reprojected” appended to the original shapefile name. Here’s a map of the US created from a shapefile in geographic coordinates:


Arcgis Convert Kml To Shapefile

And here’s a map made from that shapefile reprojected by MapWindow to Albers Equal Area Conic: Mcafee total protection download.

Convert Shapefile To Kmz

In addition to the standard .SHP, .SHX and .DBF files, MapWindow will also create the .PRJ projection file for the newly-reprojected shapefile, which many GIS programs can read automatically, and which is useful to keep with the shapefile to keep track of its coordinate system. If you only want to create a .PRJ file for a shapefile, you can do that, too. Select GIS Tools => Vector => Assign Projection to Shapefile, and follow a similar procedure to the initial steps above to select the shapefile and its original projection; MapWindow will create a matching .PRJ file to go with it. Simple, fast and easy.

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