Active2 years, 11 months ago

Online CSV Editor and Viewer. Use this tool as a CSV Viewer and CSV Editor capable of reading and editing delimited data. What can this tool do? You may load your data from disk - see Choose CSV file here below. You may load your data from a web address - see Enter an URL below.

  1. I deal with CSV files all the time. What are some good free CSV editor programs? A good plain CSV editor is potentially a very powerful tool for certain types.
  2. A Free Large File Editor providing the ability to open and edit huge files (Gigabyte, Terabyte, even Petabyte files), with all features of a standard editor - Cut and Paste, Select, Select All, Undo, Redo, Find and Replace, Goto Line.

I deal with CSV files all the time. I have been using excel, but it's not really made for csv's. Is there a program out there that deals with just csv's and data shaping?

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closed as not constructive by Mark, cHao, casperOneJun 13 '12 at 12:58

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4 Answers

in my opinion openoffice (libre office) are far better and have way more capabilities.

3,1197 gold badges21 silver badges40 bronze badges

I have written a product called Ron's Editor which you might want to look at. I am always interested in making it more useful/powerful so I would be interested in your feedback.

Aaron StewartAaron Stewart

Quattro Pro, Open Calc (Libre Office), Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets and PlanMaker Mobile are some great csv editors and spreadsheet programs.

Here are there details: A Collection of Free Spreadsheet Programs

Hope this helps.

21.2k3 gold badges49 silver badges74 bronze badges

I have to manage a lot of string data in my job, and using spreadsheet programs can be trouble unless you take great care to stop if from guessing data types.

This copy of Coolorus v 2.x ('the Software Product') and accompanying documentation is licensed and not sold. This Software Product is protected by copyright laws and treaties, as well as laws and treaties related to other forms of intellectual property. Coolorus 2. 5 serial. MoonGorilla Karol Rzadczyk, Jana Kazimierza 13/34, Warsaw, Poland.VAT number: PL or its subsidiaries, affiliates, and suppliers (collectively 'Moon Gorilla') own intellectual property rights in the Software Product. The Licensee's ('you' or 'your') license to download, use, copy, or change the Software Product is subject to these rights and to all the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement ('Agreement').AcceptanceYOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT BY DOWNLOADING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT OR BY INSTALLING, USING, OR COPYING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. YOU MUST AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

Free Psd File Editor

Most of the time I do use MS Excel. But occasionally I'll drop into CSVed, such as when I have a field that exceeds the character limit. The reason I prefer MS Excel is because most of the time inline editing of a field is much faster than the way CSVed has you do it.

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The large file editor looks and feels like any other text editor, but with one significant difference, it can open and edit huge files instantly, essential for any big data projects.

Most editors work by loading the whole document into memory. This is not possible if the document is to big to load into memory. Tomcat 7. 0 download. The Large File Editor overcomes this by only reading the section being displayed, so it's fast, lightweight and able to run on a low specification PC.

Open Source Csv Editor

The editor has the look and feel of a normal text editor, having all the editing features you are familiar with; Cut & Paste, Select, Select All, Undo, Redo, Find & Replace, Goto Line etc. It also has XML Specific tools like XML Validation and Formatting.

There is also a Binary mode, making it possible to edit, add and delete binary data an extremely valuable feature as most binary editors do not allow insertion or deletion.

Free Psd File Editor Download

Increasing file sizes means the ability to view and edit these files is becoming more vital in every day life. Typical applications include

Csv Editor Download

  • Big Data Viewer
  • Big Data Editor
  • Log Viewer
  • Validate and fix data feeds (XML, CSV, EDI etc)
  • Split large files
  • Extracting sub sets of data